Sunday, July 8, 2018

Sylvari Fashion Ideas #1- Blue Mountains Sentinel Outfit

Blue Mountains Sentinel Outfit

I named this outfit 'Blue Mountains Sentinel' because whilst I strolled around Ered Luin, I was given inspiration by the snow and environment I encountered. This is the first glimpse of the outfit!

(Sorry the graphics might be bad!, I'll try to find a way to increase quality on our next post <3)

The Outfit mainly consist of a dress, shoulder guards, cape and circlet. The main dominant colour is blue  and gold  . When I created this outfit, I used Celondess who is a hunter class. So most of the theme and origins would be based on the hunter class (I'm not sure if this outfit will look the same with other races except for women Elves). It's very different from what hunters/warriors would usually wear as its not a hauberk/plate etc. When I was making this outfit, my idea was "When there's no war, a guard would still wear armour but something less bulky etc." Like an outfit in times of peace.

~~ The blue colour (more specifically Ered Luin Blue) gives that Blue Mountain style feeling and it greatly links to the place of origin. It contrast well with the gold linngs on the dress, and shoulder plates to make it look very versatile and complex. Although the shoulder plate looks bulky (it is for medium armour) the curves of the plate get away with it and fits in with the dress quite well. Plus the shoulderplate makes it look like the outfit is still good for battle, not a fully prom date night outfit xD
The dress itself is long-sleeve because who would wear a short-sleeve top in the middle of the cold?
These combination of colours almost shows like a royalty theme, (like a personal guard for Thorin Oakenshield, when he stil lives in Thorin's Halls) and dress makes it even more elegant (for women). There is also a hint of white which connects to the snow of Ered Luin and brings out the patterns of the dress.

Here is a more close-up view of the outfit

In this photo you can see the intriquite design of the dress and how it contrasts well with the blue and gold, whilst the white allows the 2 colours to look more dominant and saturated.

Here's a backshot of the outfit

One of my favourite parts of this outfit is the cloak! It actually took so long for me to find a cloak that fits with the dress and shoulder pads, but after scrolling through the AH I found one that follows the gold lining concept. Once again the pattern of the gold lining and the contract between the blue just gives off that royalty look (like a vanguard style). 
~~ I took out my weapons, as this outfit can also work with different classes (I'm guessing as long as your character is female and is an Elf/Man then it will work. I might try experimenting with hobbits, dwarves, and male characters and update you guys if it looks nice.)

Special Touch...

~~ I added a special touch to the outfit, which you guys probably did not notice in the other shots. I added a small dagger within the outfit to show that you still mean business and have a weapon to use just in case something bad actually happens.

Hunter Style Shot
Here's some shots on how it looks like with Hunter class characters. It looks cool as.


This outfit consists of:

Cloak- "Scholar's Cloak"  Can be obtained/crafter by a Tailor
Dress- "Exquisite Long-Sleeved Dress" It is usually sold in the Auction House for a price
Circlet-"Ceremonial Circlet of the Seven Stars"  Can be obtained  through Skirmish Camp Outfitter Vendor
Shoulder Guards- "Ceremonial Shoulders of the Whirlwind"  Also in Skirmish Camp

Weapon- Any "Steel Dagger"  Usually in Auction House or can be crafted by Weaponsmiths

For Second Breakfast Members(Most of these items can be gathered in our Cosmetics Department at Thatchacre Neighbourhood, Shire Homesteads.)

You can also hide the shoulder guards, cape and circlet to turn it into a simple dress for casual occasions.

Thank You for taking the time to read this blog! Our plan is to try and post 1-2 new outfit ideas every fortnight. Please continue supporting us :D <3
Celondess and Alautriel Sylvari
 Apologies for the font styles~~

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